Ep. 50 | Dr. Scott Lynn On Ground Reaction Forces and How Science Will Shape The Future Of Golf Coaching

Dr. Scott Lynn (@drsklynn) joins us on this episode.

Dr. Scott Lynn, PhD is a professor in Kinesiology at Cal State Fullerton and is the Research Director for Swing Catalyst. Dr. Lynn has done a lot of his research on golf and is the leading expert on ground reaction forces in the golf swing. Swing Catalyst is a Norwegian company making force plates that measures the forces created in the golf swing in all three dimensions. 

Dr. Lynn has a unique perspective on the biomechanics of the golf swing because he's seen more swings on a force plate than any other person in the world. He's also worked with numerous top 100 players in the world to analyze how the best players create force in the golf swing.

In this episode, we discuSS:

  • Dr. Lynn’s introduction to Swing Catalyst

  • Research on golf swing variability and biomechanics by analyzing ground reaction forces

  • Benefits of using Swing Catalyst to understand and improve golf instruction by assessing directional/rotational force and torque



Dr. Scott Lynn’s Instagram: (@drsklynn)
Mac’s Instagram: @mactoddlife
Leo’s Instagram: @leo_ugp


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